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Biegekurs Kfo Fortbildung Dr Baxmann Seminare Myortholab American Orthodontics

Wire Bending


This course is a classic. Probably almost every orthodontist knows Dr. Baxmann´s video tutorials on youtube, facebook and instagram. But the course goes even deeper. Biomechanics won´t be like rocket science anymore. The concepts explained in this course will become crystal clear and easy to incorporate in your daily practise.

They will facilitate your treatment mechanics for high quality results on every case. Dr. Baxmann´s Lean orthodontics® wire bending is simple, reproducible and saves you time and energy. Learn to decide when wire bending ist the best option, but also when you to better use on another solution.

And don´t forget the bonus gift: The Baxmann pliers. After their demonstration and individual calibration you can take two of them home. For free!

You will enjoy this course as it will be an unforgettable combination of fun, enthusiastic presentation and hard hard work.




American Orthodontics


Holiday Beach Budapest
Piroska Utca 3-5
Budapest, 1039 Ungarn
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