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Dr. Baxmann will present exclusively for you his new Book „Dr. Baxmann´s Lean Orthodontics®. Learn the effective and efficient tools form an orthodontist who grew within just 10 years the hugely succesful and award winning practise group Orthodentix® and the orthodontic Laboratory MyOrthoLab®.

This course will give you an insight in Dr. Baxmann´s secrets that help producing outstanding clinical results with highly effective and efficient strategies. Lean Orthodontics® is designed to be multiplied and reproducible so everyone can apply this philiopsophy. Learn more about modern and evicence based treatment methods used for 10.000+ cases. Find out how you structure your workflows and delegate better within your team without jeopardizing the quality of your result. Become the orthodontist and leader you always wanted and stop being hassled by your workload and being the slave of your own clinic.

Apply Dr. Baxmann´s Lean Orthodontics® and achieve 100% with 80% less effort.




American Orthodontics


Holiday Beach Budapest
Piroska Utca 3-5
Budapest, 1039 Ungarn
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